Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yarn Along

Climbing back on Ginny's Yarn Along wagon this week with a picture of two things I work on in little bits.

The knitting is a hat for the Lil One. If you think you recognize the yarn from an earlier post, you're right. I'm using the yarn left over from the pair of socks I just made for myself. At first I thought I'd make some little toddler socks, but then I realized that we have many more socks than cute warm hats, and there was a lot of yarn left over. I'm using the Yarn Harlot's steps for a basic hat.
This is my diaper bag project. It lives in its own little pocket in the diaper bag and I work on it whenever we're out and about and my hands are free for a few moments.

The book is a collection put together by Harold Bloom called Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages, which seemed like something I should read in preparation for picking out books for the Lil One. It's divided into seasons, and I'm currently in Autumn. Spring seemed much darker somehow.
This is the book I read while brushing my teeth. I don't know how much I've learned in the first year of being a parent, but I have learned this: If I don't work books into distinct little corners of down time in my life, I won't get anything read. So I read a little snippet of this book every time I brush my teeth. Just like diaper bag or purse knitting projects, little snippets add up.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blanket Update

I've been working on the birthday blanket for Nephew O nearly every day for a while now. I've finished all 42 of the squares and have started putting the side borders on them (the ones on the left in the picture have their edging already, those in the drawer don't yet). I've been doing really well so far with staying on schedule with this project. I'm actually several days ahead right now.

I don't have a lot more to say about this project, really. It's the third time through a pattern that is pretty full of repetition all by itself. I enjoy it well enough, but don't have a lot new to say.