This pair of Clessidra socks is the first completed project from the yarn I acquired in anticipation of fall. This is also the first project I've made for myself in a while. From the Spring 2007 edition of Knitty, these socks are named for the hourglass cable pattern that goes up the back of the legs.
I started these knee-high socks during my church's leadership school, did a lot of knitting during my family's vacation at the lake, and finished them on a weekend trip to help my brother settle in to his dorm at college.
I really enjoyed this pattern and the yarn. These pictures don't capture the colors of the Malabrigo "Velvet Grapes" sock yarn very well -- on my monitor they look much too red. Most of the yarn is a deep purple with stretches of dark red wine, and spots of brighter grape-purple. There was a bit of a difference between the two skeins, but not enough to be very noticeable. The colors didn't pool on most of the socks, but started to on the heel flaps and ended up in a bit of a barber-pole stripe on the feet.
I like the way the stripes kind of continue from one foot to the other. This last picture comes the closest to capturing the colors.
I'm looking forward to wearing these socks with some of my knee-length skirts as the weather starts to get cooler.
My brother's guitar strap is coming along well, and I've got a good start on the Mystery Christmas 2009 Project. I updated my Ravelry account yesterday, so a lot of the details are over there. The Mystery Project isn't there yet, but it will be. The intended recipient does not have a Ravelry account, so the scoop on this project will be up there before it's here.
I had a great time making these socks, and I need to find another pair to make. My mom has such small feet that store-bought socks never come close to fitting her. George's guitar strap is currently filling my daily travel-knitting needs, but after that, I think I'll try to start a string of Mom Socks.
I'm off to knit and try to distract myself from the lack of a group Knit Night tonight!
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