I finished Dad's vest in time to give it to him on his birthday! and it fits! and he likes it!
My apologies for using so many exclamation points, but this project has been weighing on me for almost three years and now it's done and all is well! I have to find a new project to promote into the drawer it has been occupying. Probably this year's Christmas stocking knitting.
Finishing this project, and having been monogamous to it for about three weeks, seems to have inspired me to finish up several other things.
2012 Washcloths May edition:
Ribbed chevron pattern, April 27 from my pattern-a-day calendar. This was a hard pattern to "read" - I had to keep the pattern on hand for a long time instead of just being able to follow the knitting. It used my regular dishcloth yarn of Sugar 'n Cream.
Purse socks:
Universal toe-up formula with 2x2 ribbed legs. I started these sometime last fall, which may mean that my purse sock speed is increasing. My brother gave me the yarn for Christmas a few years ago. I've already cast on the next pair of purse socks. These will be top-down and for the husband. A nice dark green yarn that seems to be a single ply.
Baby socks for the Lil One:
The pattern for these was
Toddler Socks from the blog Creating a Family Home. I used the yarn left over from the pair of socks I knit several years ago to learn the two-at-a-time technique (on dpns).
I have recently discovered the
Harry Potter Knitting and Crochet House Cup group on Ravelry. I had heard about it in passing before, but this past month I listened to a description of it on an older episode of The Well-Knitted Life podcast, and checked it out. It's a game where knitters join in, are sorted into houses as in Hogwarts, and earn points for their houses by knitting or crocheting. Each term is three months long, and each month there are eight classes offered; each class gives a homework assignment, usually with several options. You have to knit (or crochet) something within that month and make an argument that it meets the homework requirements. The idea is that each student turns in at least one class assignment per month to qualify to get sorted and keep playing next term. There are also Quidditch teams, challenges, WIPs can be turned in to detention, and so on and so on. After getting sucked in and wandering around all the discussion threads and links for quite some time, I joined the group. Because I joined after term started, I didn't get sorted into a house and my status is "Not Quite a First-Year" -- points I earn don't count toward any house's total, but they could help me earn priority for sorting next term.
It's all very complex, but also a lot of fun. If you like the Harry Potter stories and might like to use that world as a framework for some knitting challenges, I encourage you to check out the group. They do a much better job of explaining things than my little outline, and everyone is happy to answer questions and help newbies get started.
So anyhow, I joined and I'm really enjoying it. I turned in the
squishies for the assignment in Care of Magical Creatures. May's prompt was about studying thestrals and abraxan (two kinds of flying horses), so one of the options was to knit something using a worsted weight "workhorse" yarn. The squishes were knit out of worsted weight, and I knit them entirely within the month of May, so they qualified. The toddler socks met the Mini-sock Challenge for Quidditch -- no more than four inches tall and long, and knit between May 18-28 -- so I turned those in as well.
Hopefully this trend of knitting efficiently and finishing things will continue!