Joining Ginny's Yarn Along again this week! Only a little late.
From Ginny:
Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?
I've been re-reading George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones. The husband and I got back into it after my dad showed us the TV series while on vacation this summer. Husband jumped back in reading the most recently published book, but I thought I'd better start over at the beginning again, or I'd never remember who everyone was and what had happened to them already. It's so hard for me to not get attached to the characters, even though I know they are ALL going to die (not really a spoiler -- as soon as you think, "But surely he won't kill this character," that one is as good as dead). I'm doing better at that this time through.
I've been knitting ducks. This is another project from Susan B. Anderson's itty-bitty toys. Lil One loves the ducks, although they are not for her. The knitting is all done on this project, but there's some assembly still to do that will really make the toy. I am still in love with this book, and have already started yet another project from it. This one will finally be for the Lil One.
In other knitting news I tried to go to my first- and third-Thursday knitting group at the library today. Yeah, the 23rd day of the month would be the fourth Thursday. Oh well. This summer has been so crazy that I haven't been to knit with them since early June. Hopefully I can make it work next week.
Those ducks are ADORABLE!!!!