Previously this part of the living room held an end table with an overflowing basket under it, and surrounded by various plastic bags full of yarn and oddments. The rest of my stash lives in an old trunk that's in our sunroom. The basket-drawers of the new cabinet are a little rough on the inside and could snag some of the finer yarns, so I will be lining them with fabric. But I couldn't wait for that project, so yesterday afternoon I hauled out my ENTIRE stash, spread it across the the living room floor, and organized it. I sorted all the yarn by type and whether I have any projects planned for it; I threw out all the extra bags and shnibbles of things that accummulate, and I wound all the tangles into nice center-pull balls. The yarn that doesn't have any immediately upcoming projects got put away neatly in the trunk in the sunroom (it's a three season room that we keep closed when the furnace is on... I miss the sunroom in the wintertime). The yarn for current and near future projects got sorted into the new drawers. All my needles, stitch holders, bobbins, point protectors, scissors, etc. are now stored in the basket you see on top. Also in that basket is the Polar Knit hat I'm working on - a small project that will not easily get tangled with all the needles. Also on top is my sewing basket and my Yarn Harlot page-a-day calendar. The basket next to the drawers holds the bit of yarn for a current project that wouldn't fit anywhere else, my tin of patterns and pictures, and some of my cross stitch stuff. The brown bag in the foreground is my current purse/knitting bag.
I'm SO excited to have everything organized now! It just makes me want to dive right in and get to work with all of it. Had I been thinking and/or had a smidge more time, I could have logged all my stash in my Ravelry account as I sorted yesterday. But I did need to finish it before the husband got home. He works on Saturdays, and I was keen to present a clean, newly-organized corner of the living room instead of a mound of yarn and mess. He's quite happy I knit, because (1) it makes me so happy, and (2) it means we don't have to buy as many Christmas and birthday presents. But there's no need to test the limits of this tolerance. New yarn-focused piece of furniture = happy wife AND cleaner living room. This is the association we want to form.
With all this organizing, not much knitting got done yesterday, but I only have 3-and-a-little-bit squares left to go for Rylee's blanket.
A big hooray for my friend Keith, for loaning me his digital camera. I took this during one of yesterday's brief spots of sunshine. Other pictures of my WIPs from yesterday are over on Ravelry.
Now, to dive in!
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